
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Project #25 is Midsummer bottle greeter

My summer started when I arrived to Finland in the middle of June. For the Midsummer, I erected a bottle greeter to the end of my cottage driveway for the few passing by people and greater magnitude animals; cranes, moose and busy bees included. Something fun to be found in the middle of Southern-Finnish traditional forest. Bottles are more than 50 years old, some closer to 80, from the woods around my cottage as earlier people used to bury items instead of taking them to recycling or a dump. Sticks are mostly spruce and are held together with steel wire. Click image for a slideshow.
Midsummer bottle greeter project 25

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Project #21 Summer bugs patterns

Available at spoonflower, my six new patterns for home decorating; to be printed on fabric or wallpaper, celebrate summer. Insects never stop amazing me, they have the most fascinating colors, patterns, layers, and nature's variations (example; making sounds from hissing to scraping to brushing). The small collection of 6 fabrics represents an egyptian Scarab, Madagascar hissing cockroach and finally, never resting Fire ant. All three insects are available in two different pattern variations, small and large scale that complement each other. Click this image to see all six of them!

Do you have a pattern in mind you would like to get to your home? Contact me for free design to be downloaded in Spoonflower to be printed on giftpaper, wallpaper, or over a dozen different fabrics!