
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Angel wing sculpture from recycled materials

2014 Starts with firm decision to post at least one completed project, created out of something old, reused, upcycled or remade in general, once a week to a blog. Why? because I think this is one way to wake up people to recycle and see things with different eyes, thinking about environment. Who knows if it will, but 2014 is my year to test it!

Project #1  is angelwing, sculpture made out of milk container plastic, old fridge copper tubing, and wood. I thought it was an appropriate piece to start craftwingit blog, and we all need something reminding us of angels around us...


  1. Very nice! We have very similar agendas. I'm at the Factory too in studio #1 on the 4th floor. We should meet., I want to see this in person. –Todd RIce

  2. I just listened to your radio interview, it was fun to hear more about your background and your blog. Great idea, Veera!


Thanks for your comments!